
Hearing Loss

Chicago Hearing Loss Attorneys

Experienced Hearing Loss Attorney On Your Side

The loss of one’s hearing can be due to age, physical damage to the ear, noise trauma or barotrauma, an injury caused by a change in air pressure. Additionally, toxins, medications, hazardous chemicals, and sickness can impair hearing, as well.

A common medical condition, hearing loss is the failure to detect sounds and speech in order for those sound waves to be interpreted by the brain. Different factors measure the magnitude of the hearing that is lost. These factors include:

  • The number of decibels a person can hear
  • Pitches that are influenced
  • Whether hearing loss is in one or both ears
  • The area of the hearing system
  • Age
  • How much speech or sound is recognized
  • Whether the loss was induced by noise, drugs or the environment

A credible loss of hearing attorney in Chicago can assist you with any hearing loss claim, especially if your loss of hearing is due to your work environment.

Two Major Types of Hearing Loss

  • Conductive hearing loss occurs when waves of sound are not able to reach the inner ear. The buildup of earwax or a perforated eardrum is a common cause. In general, hearing loss of this nature can be fixed.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when the auditory nerve or inner parts of the ear cause diminished hearing. This type of hearing loss is most often permanent. Presbycusis is the most frequently diagnosed form of this category and is caused by the gradual age of a person’s auditory system. Occurring over time, it limits the ability to hear higher-frequency sounds.

Causes of Hearing Loss

A person may lose the ability to hear due to factors ranging from trauma to heredity. There are several conditions attributed to the loss of hearing:

  • Meniere’s disease affects the inner components of the ear. It is still unknown what causes this disease, which manifests symptoms at the age of 30. Indicators include ringing in the ears, vertigo and hearing loss.
  • Otosclerosis results from damage to the tiny bones in the ear that augment a person’s ability to hear. This is regularly repaired by surgery.
  • Ototoxic medication occurs when a certain medication is taken in too high of a dose, leading to a temporary or permanent loss of hearing.
  • Autoimmune hearing loss arises quickly and needs immediate treatment if a person hopes to retain the ability to hear. The cells of the inner ear are attacked by this disease.
  • Acoustic Neuroma is a tumor that forms within the ear, leading to hearing loss and tinnitus, the ringing sensation in the ear or the incorrect perception of noise.
  • Noise trauma actually damages the hair cells in the ear from constant overstimulation. Hearing loss of this kind is usually permanent.

If you feel you have incurred a hearing loss as the result of your work environment, someone else’s negligence or another reason, a loss of hearing attorney in Chicago will work with you to ensure you do not forfeit your worker’s compensation benefits or any monetary awards to which you are entitled.

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