
Workers’ Compensation Claim Lawyer in Chicago

If you are injured on the job, reaching your fullest recovery is likely to involve time off work and considerable medical expenses. Your employer carries workers’ compensation insurance for workplace injuries such as yours, but obtaining just compensation often requires the skilled legal guidance of an experienced workers’ compensation claim lawyer in Chicago.

Injuries on the Job Are Common

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shares the following two statistics that highlight exactly how common serious injuries on the job are:

  • In 2019, there were 888,220 nonfatal injury-causing work accidents that required time off, and 27 percent of them were caused by slip and fall accidents.
  • In 2019, about 2.4 million workers were injured so badly at work that they required emergency treatment. 

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is intended to balance the rights of injured employees with financial protections for their employers. As such, you don’t have to prove your employer’s negligence in relation to your injuries, and the company you work for – in turn – does not have to defend itself against a personal injury claim. Workers’ compensation takes the element of negligence out of the claim, and it ensures that injured employees are covered in the process. 

Your Covered Losses

While your injury-causing accident will be covered by workers’ compensation, the losses you can recover for are less comprehensive than they would be in a personal injury claim (which is based on negligence). In your workers’ compensation claim, you can seek compensation for your necessary medical expenses and a specific percentage of your lost wages. 

How a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Can Help

Although your work-related injuries are covered by workers’ compensation, this does not mean that obtaining just compensation is going to be automatic – or easy. The fact is that the workers’ comp insurance company is a for-profit business that will attempt to keep your settlement low. Having a seasoned workers’ compensation lawyer in your corner can help in all the following ways:

  • Your lawyer will not only communicate with the insurance company on your behalf (helping to ensure that the insurance rep doesn’t coach you into saying something that tarnishes your claim) but will also skillfully negotiate with the insurance company for your claim’s best possible resolution.
  • Your lawyer will gather all the relevant evidence, including your medical reports that detail the full extent of your injuries, in his or her efforts to build your strongest claim. 
  • Your lawyer will help you make well-informed choices throughout the claims process.
  • Your lawyer will fight to ensure that the workers’ compensation insurance company handles your claim fairly from start to finish. 

Reach Out to an Experienced Workers’ Compensation Claim Lawyer in Chicago Today

The skilled workers’ compensation claim lawyers at Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd., take great pride in their impressive track record of helping injured clients like you prevail with the workers’ compensation to which they are entitled. Your claim is important, so please don’t wait to contact us for more information today.

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