
Truck Accident Attorneys in Chicago

Accidents that involve massive semi-trucks are among the most dangerous accidents on our roads and highways. Truck drivers are professional drivers who are charged with transporting loads of consumer wares and other cargo safely from coast to coast – and everywhere in between. When they are negligent, the consequences are often severe.  If you’ve been injured in a truck accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you need the professional legal counsel of a Chicago truck accident attorney. 

 Our firm has had significant success in winning truck accident cases for our clients.  Some of our past victories have included:

 $5,500,000 settlement– when a 26 foot box truck rear-ended our client’s car;

$2,910,000 settlement + workers comp benefits – when our semi truck driver client was involved in a chain reaction crash with other semi trucks.

$1,500,000 settlement + workers compensation benefits – for the wife of a young man who was struck by a semi truck;

$1,210,000 jury verdict – when our client crashed into a semi truck that had been abandoned in the middle of I-294.

Truck Drivers

Because they are professional drivers, truckers are held to far stricter rules and regulations regarding safety, and when they fail to meet these standards, we will hold them accountable. The most common forms of truck driver negligence that are associated with truck accidents include: 

  • Distracted truck drivers
  • Impaired truck drivers
  • Drowsy truck drivers
  • Aggressive truck drivers
  • Truck drivers who speed excessively
  • Truck drivers who violate other federal and state regulations

Trucking Companies

Trucking companies are also charged with important responsibilities related to keeping our highways safer for all who travel on them. These include:

  • Hiring safe, experienced truckers who have the necessary licensure
  • Hiring experienced truck mechanics who have the necessary licensure
  • Providing their truck mechanics with safe, quality truck-parts and tools
  • Maintaining a fleet of safe, well-maintained rigs
  • Not pushing their drivers to exceed any hours-of-service regulations (in their efforts to keep up with a bustling workload and maintain high profits)

The trucking companies themselves obviously play an integral role in helping to curtail truck accidents on our roads. 

Truck Manufacturers

The manufacturers of trucks are responsible for designing and building safe, roadworthy trucks that incorporate safely working parts. When trucks – and/or truck parts – have design or manufacturing flaws, it can lead to, cause, contribute to, or exacerbate any truck accidents that ensue. 

Damages from Truck Crashes

The massive size differential between 18-wheelers and other vehicles on our roads greatly increases the level of danger for the occupants of those other vehicles – when they are involved in truck accidents. The types of damages caused by truck accidents tend to include:

  • Immense medical expenses that range from emergency transportation from the scene of the accident through surgery, aftercare, physical therapy, rehabilitation, and beyond
  • Lost wages on the job that can lead to a permanent decrease in one’s earning capacity
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering that can approach insurmountable levels

All told, the financial, physical, and emotional damages associated with a truck accident can quickly reach overwhelming proportions.  

An Experienced Truck Accident Attorney in Chicago Can Help

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled is critical to your ability to heal as fully as possible. That’s why the dedicated truck accident attorneys in Chicago – at Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd. – are committed to skillfully fighting for compensation that covers your damages in their entirety. You and your case are important, so please do not hesitate to contact us for more information today.

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