
Truck Accident Attorney in Chicago

Traffic accidents are always dangerous, but when they involve a massive truck, they become that much more dangerous (and are often deadly). Truck accident claims are complicated, but they are also an important legal mechanism for obtaining the compensation you need to move forward with your life. If you or someone you love has been injured by a truck driver or trucking company’s negligence, don’t wait to reach out to an accomplished truck accident attorney in Chicago for the legal guidance you need. 

The Truck Driver

No two truck accidents are ever exactly alike, and truck accidents can have many different causes. Often, however, truck driver negligence is either the direct cause of the truck accident or is an exacerbating factor in the accident. Truck driver negligence can come in multiple dangerous forms, including all of the following:

  • Impairment – Driving a truck under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is so obviously dangerous that the law has no tolerance for this form of negligence. Truck drivers are professional drivers and, as such, face harsher rules and restrictions than other motorists do. Charges of impairment can lead to a truck driver’s loss of commercial licensure – and loss of the ability to continue earning a living. 
  • Distraction – Distracted drivers make our roadways far less safe for everyone on them, and when the distracted driver in question is behind the wheel of a truck, it amplifies the level of danger considerably. Texting continues to be the most prevalent and most dangerous driver distraction of all.
  • Speed – Excess speed is a double-edged sword when it comes to safety. Not only does excess speed make accidents more likely, but it also increases the risk that those accidents will be deadly. Excess speed plays a starring role in traffic fatality statistics.  
  • Exhaustion – Drowsy drivers can suffer impairments that are similar to those that drunk drivers experience, and this is why the law is very strict regarding the hours of service a trucker can put in behind the wheel. Some unscrupulous truckers and trucking companies, however, push these limitations beyond the boundaries of safety.

The Trucking Company

The trucking company often bears a significant responsibility for truck accidents. When a trucking company fails to uphold its safety responsibilities, it contributes to dangerous truck accidents and makes our roadways less safe for all of us. These responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining a safe fleet of trucks
  • Hiring experienced, safe truck drivers
  • Hiring experienced, reliable truck mechanics
  • Implementing strict rules regarding hours of service and enforcing these rules
  • Implementing a careful maintenance and safety-check schedule and enforcing this schedule

You Need a Dedicated Truck Accident Attorney in Chicago on Your Side

Truck accidents are some of the most deadly accidents on our roads, but the resourceful Chicago truck accident attorneys at Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd., have a wealth of experience successfully guiding these claims toward just resolutions. Our compassionate legal team is on your side, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information today.

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