
Train Accident Attorney Chicago

Train Accident Attorney Chicago

Trains are a great way to enjoy the scenery while you leave the stress and bother of driving to someone else. While trains have a lot to offer, train accidents are often tragic in their scope. If a train accident leaves you or someone you love injured, an experienced train accident attorney in Chicago has the legal skill and drive to fight for your rights and your rightful compensation. 

The Federal Railroad Administration

Train accidents are likely more common than you realize, and the massive size and weight of trains – coupled with their immense speed – help to ensure that train accidents are exceptionally dangerous. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) reports that, in 2019, there were a total of 11,776 train accidents and incidents that led to 858 fatalities and 8,025 nonfatal injuries. FRA is responsible for investigating all train accidents by arriving on the scene early and engaging in all the following

  • Assessing the accident’s aftermath
  • Collecting all available evidence 
  • Reporting its findings regarding the accident’s cause

Because the train company will also have investigators at the scene of the train accident – in protection of its own rights and best interests – it’s important to have a dedicated train accident attorney on your side. 

Train Accidents: The Statistics

The National Safety Council (NSC) reports the following statistics related to train accidents:

  • While about one out of every seven preventable deaths caused by injury is caused by passenger transportation incidents, the risk factor varies considerably based on the mode of transportation. 
  • The fatality rate for passenger train accidents in 2020 (.03 deaths per 100 million miles traveled) rose considerably over the rate in 2019 (.005 deaths per 100 million miles traveled) 

You are far more likely to be killed in an accident involving a passenger vehicle, but when train accidents happen, they tend to be spectacularly dangerous. 

Your Losses

The losses – or legal damages – you face as a result of a train accident are likely to be immense and can include all the following:

  • Medical expenses that range from emergency care to surgery, follow-up care, hospital stays, medical treatments and procedures, pain management, and well beyond
  • Lost income that can include a decrease in your ability to earn over time
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering that can make your other losses that much more challenging

A critical component of your train accident claim is ensuring that your complete losses are clearly accounted for, and a seasoned train accident attorney can help you with that. 

An Experienced Train Accident Attorney in Chicago Is Standing by to Help You

If you or someone you love has been injured in a train accident, the formidable train accident attorneys at Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd. – proudly serving Chicago – dedicate their practice to skillfully advocating for the legal rights and just compensation of clients just like you. Our accomplished legal team is on your side and here to help, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information today.

If you have been injured in a personal injury or work-related accident, do not hesitate to contact our office at (312) 332-5400

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