
Personal Injury Attorney in Chicago

If you have been injured by an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, obtaining the compensation that addresses your losses can play a primary role in your ability to recover fully, and an experienced personal injury attorney in Chicago can help you with that. The physical, financial, and emotional consequences of such accidents can be overwhelming and should not be downplayed.  

Your Injury-Causing Accident

While many kinds of injury-causing accidents can lead to Illinois personal injury claims, some of the most common include:

  • Accidents involving slipping and falling and other kinds of premises liability claims
  • Every variety of traffic accidents, including truck, train, car, rideshare, motorcycle, bike, and pedestrian accidents
  • Accidents involving dangerous consumer products (called product liability claims)

Additionally, workers’ compensation claims, wrongful death claims, and claims related to nursing home negligence and abuse proceed in a manner that is very similar to personal injury claims.  

Seeking Just Compensation

You’ve been injured by the carelessness of someone else, and obtaining just compensation can make a significant difference in your ability to regain your health and well-being. The losses you can seek compensation for in your personal injury claim – or the damages that the law addresses – include the following:

  • Medical Costs – The medical expenses associated with personal injury claims are often quite high, and if your injuries are serious, lead to complications, are associated with secondary healthcare issues, or any combination of these, you can expect them to be more so. 
  • Lost Income – The physical injuries you’ve endured are likely to go hand in hand with lost hours on the job and lost income. The more serious your injuries, the more dramatic these losses are likely to be, and if your earning potential is affected, your financial losses will be even more considerable. 
  • Pain and Suffering – Accidents that leave you injured tend to be frightening, violent events that can leave you emotionally scarred and in considerable physical and psychological pain that should be accurately reflected in your personal injury claim. 

Handling the Insurance Company

You will file your personal injury claim with the at-fault party’s insurance provider, and you can count on this insurance company to do what it can to keep your settlement as low as possible – in an effort to keep its profits as high as possible. Sometimes, insurance companies push the limits by engaging in less-than-fair practices such as the following (that you should be aware of and on the lookout for):

  • An early settlement offer that is decidedly too low
  • An early claim denial that is not based on the facts
  • An artificially lengthy or complex claims process
  • An attempt to shift blame toward you
  • Denial of the seriousness of your losses

It’s Time to Consult with an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney in Chicago

The accomplished personal injury attorneys at Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd., in Chicago, take considerable pride in their impressive track record of helping clients like you prevail with fair settlements that cover their complete losses. To learn more, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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