
Injury Attorney Near Me

Injury Attorney Near Me

Preventable injuries are not only physically painful and emotionally stressful, but they also cause prolonged financial hardship to injured people and their families. Even if you make a full recovery from your injuries and are able to return to work, the medical expenses related to the injuries can cause years of financial distress. When the injuries are severe enough that you are not able to return to the workforce, then an accidental injury can upend your life. Illinois law grants people injured in preventable accidents the right to seek compensation from the parties responsible for the accidents. The Chicago personal injury lawyers at Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg can help you get the money you need after suffering a financially devastating accidental injury.

Types of Personal Injury Cases We Handle

Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg represent people who were injured in many different kinds of accidents in the Chicago area and suffered financial losses as a result of their accident-related injuries. These are some of the kinds of personal injury cases in which we represent injured plaintiffs:

  • Motor vehicle accidents such as car, truck, and motorcycle accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Work accidents and workers’ compensation disputes
  • Slip and fall accidents and premises liability
  • Dangerous drugs and product liability
  • Concussion and traumatic brain injury
  • Amputation injuries
  • Burn injuries
  • Spinal cord injury

How Personal Injury Lawsuits Work

To collect the money you need to cover your accident-related financial losses, you might need to file a personal injury lawsuit. In a personal injury lawsuit, the injured person is the plaintiff, and the person or company whose negligence (carelessness or irresponsible action or lack of action) caused the accident is the defendant. In order to win a personal injury lawsuit, you must prove the following claims:

  • The defendant was legally responsible for the direct cause of the accident. For example, the defendant was driving the car that hit you or owned the supermarket where the slip and fall accident happened.
  • The defendant breached their duty of care by causing the accident. For example, the defendant violated a traffic law, such as running a red light, thereby causing a collision, or the defendant did not ensure that the floors of its supermarket were free of slippery substances.
  • You got injured as a direct result of the defendant’s negligence.
  • The financial losses for which you are seeking compensation are the direct result of your injuries.

Can Injured People Get the Money They Need Without Filing a Lawsuit?

Personal injury lawsuits require a great investment of time and energy, even if you end up with a judgment or settlement that covers your financial losses. In many cases, though, it is possible for injured people to get the money they need without going to court. A personal injury lawyer can represent you in your interactions with insurance companies when you file an insurance claim.

Contact a Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer

A Cook County personal injury attorney can help you if you have suffered a serious injury in a preventable accident. Contact Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd. in Chicago, Illinois, to set up a consultation.

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