
Industrial Accident Lawyers Chicago

Industrial work is some of the most dangerous work out there, and accidents on the job are often life-threatening. In the blink of an eye, an industrial accident can alter the course of your life. If you or someone you love has been injured by an industrial accident, don’t delay consulting with an experienced industrial accident lawyer in Chicago. 

Identifying the Most Dangerous Industrial Accidents

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports the four most common causes of fatalities related to industrial accidents like construction work, including:

  • Falling
  • Being caught in or between two heavy, unyielding objects
  • Being struck by an object
  • Electrocution

Any one of these categories of accidents can be debilitating or prove life-threatening. 

Falling on the Job

The National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) shares a statistic reported by the Industrial Safety & Occupational Health Markets, which relays that a full 85 percent of workers’ compensation claims are attributable to workers slipping and falling on slippery floors. Further, falls are a primary concern across manufacturing industries. Finally, falls from elevations account for about 10 percent of all job-related fatalities. 

Being Caught In or Between 

Being caught in or between two objects, such as pieces of industrial equipment, that are heavy and unyielding is not only terrifying but can also be deadly, and these accidents are far too common. The kinds of industrial accidents that are often classified as caught-in-between accidents include collapsing structures, accidents caused by inadequate warning systems, and accidents involving heavy-duty industrial equipment. 

Being Struck by an Object

Being struck by a moving object, such a piece of industrial equipment, is exceptionally dangerous, and when the object in question is falling, it can be that much more so. Industrial work involves a lot of moving parts, and when the appropriate safety precautions aren’t routinely enforced, it increases the risk that struck-by accidents will occur. All the following precautions can help reduce the risk of these dangerous accidents:

  • Requiring employees to wear a piece of bright, reflective outerwear
  • Ensuring that the industrial worksite is well-supervised and well-maintained
  • Providing and requiring appropriate safety training

Being Electrocuted

When electricity plays a role in an industrial accident, there is the risk of electrocution, which is exceptionally dangerous and potentially deadly. When electrical sources are interrupted by industrial work and/or the electrical infrastructure of the worksite is involved, special safety precautions must be implemented, including:

  • Remaining acutely aware of all the utilities involved (and their precise location) in the job at hand
  • Ensuring that employees maintain the distances from power sources that are necessary to proceed safely
  • Ensuring that all overhead power lines are accounted for and safely accommodated on the job

An Experienced Industrial Accident Lawyer in Chicago Can Help

The formidable industrial accident lawyers at Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd., in Chicago recognize the gravity of your workers’ compensation claim and have the impressive experience, drive, and keen legal insight to help. For more information, please do not wait to contact us today.

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