
Chicago Truck Accident Attorneys

Chicago Truck Accident Attorneys

While commercial trucking companies increasingly work to provide us with the products and goods that we rely upon each day, a greater numbers of trucks on the roadways has translated into a greater frequency of trucking accidents. When it comes to collisions, cars are no match for semi-trucks and tractor-trailers. Injuries caused by truck accidents are often severe and potentially life-threatening. At  Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd., our experienced Chicago truck accident attorneys understand the devastating impacts these types of accidents can have on every facet of your life. 

Truck accidents often involve extensive medical bills, lost wages, and may result in permanent disability. Our team of attorneys use their combined knowledge and over 125 years of legal experience to provide aggressive legal representation to people injured in truck accidents. At  Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd., we provide the hard hitting legal representation you need to hold responsible parties accountable after a truck accident, while ensuring you get the caring and comprehensive client service you deserve.

Truck Accidents On the Rise

According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the rate of accidents involving large trucks has been steadily increasing over the last several years. In the United States alone, large trucks are involved in over 340,000 accidents each year and injure close to 100,000 people. Roughly 3,900 people are killed in truck accidents each year, and while the size and strength of these trucks often protect their drivers, those in passenger vehicles are often not so lucky. Over 71 percent of victims in trucking accident are drivers or occupants of other vehicles.

At  Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd., our experienced Chicago truck accident attorneys work as a team to hold responsible parties accountable for the injuries they cause. These injuries are often severe and life-threatening. Examples of such injuries include: 

  • Head Injuries;
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries;
  • Spinal Cord Injuries;
  • Back Injuries;
  • Internal Bleeding;
  • Broken Bones and Fractures;
  • Muscle and Tendon Strains and Tears;
  • Cuts and Lacerations; and
  • Burns and Abrasions.

Factors Contributing to Truck Accidents

A 2014 study by the federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration have identified a number of factors contributing to large truck accidents. These factors are focused on three areas: the drivers, their vehicles, and the environment. 

Driver-related factors:

  • Fatigue;
  • Inexperience;
  • Past history of violations;
  • Poor performance in potentially dangerous situations; and
  • General driver working environment.

Vehicle-related factors:

  • Defects in brakes, tires, steering, or other vehicle components; and
  • Vehicle size in relation to load weight and size;

Environmental factors:

  • Wet or icy road conditions;
  • Poor visibility due to rain or fog; and
  • Inadequately maintained roads and roads under construction.

Truck accidents often involve multiple vehicles and many automobile drivers exhibit unsafe driving behaviors that can put both trucks and other vehicles on the road in danger. These behaviors include tailgating, driving in a truck’s blind spot, or pulling out suddenly in front of a truck.   

Contact Our Experienced Chicago Truck Accident Attorneys Today

If you or a loved one has been injured as the result of a truck accident, call  Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd. today. Our experienced Chicago truck accident attorneys will hold responsible parties accountable for their actions and make sure you get the compensation you deserve for your losses. With offices throughout Chicago and the surrounding area, call  Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd. today at (815) 730-8860 for a free consultation.

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