
Chicago Personal Injury Attorneys

If you have been injured as a result of another person’s negligence, finding the best path forward toward recovery can be difficult. Whether it’s a traffic accident, a slip and fall on a negligent property owner’s premises,  or an accident on the job that leaves you injured, an experienced Chicago personal injury attorney can help you obtain the just compensation that allows you to pursue your most complete recovery. 

Your Medical Expenses

You’ve been injured by someone else’s carelessness, and this can lead to mounting medical expenses that can include all of the following:

  • Emergency care and transportation
  • Surgery and hospitalization
  • Treatment and care from doctors and specialists
  • Follow-up care
  • Physical therapy
  • Rehabilitation
  • Prescription medications
  • Adaptive physical devices and adaptations to your home
  • Home health care

Additionally, some injuries are more apt to lead to secondary health concerns in your future and/or to necessary future care and treatment (in accordance with medical protocols). This is why it’s so critical that you fully understand your injuries and the consequences you’re likely to face. Once you accept a settlement offer, you’ll have no recourse if you later encounter related medical concerns that your claim failed to address. 

Your Lost Wages

It’s difficult enough to miss hours on the job and lose out on attendant wages, but if your injuries are very serious, it could lead to even more difficult consequences. In fact, you could face a diminished earning potential that will significantly decrease your total earnings (and subsequent Social Security) over the course of your career. Further, if your injuries are so serious that you must alter the course of your career, it can be as damaging psychologically as it is financially. 

Your Pain and Suffering

No one needs to tell you how difficult the physical and emotional pain associated with a serious injury can be. Overcoming these consequences can be one of the most complicated components of your recovery. Many accident victims suffer the following types of emotional symptoms:

  • Episodes of depression
  • Increased anxiety 
  • Panic attacks
  • Frightening flashbacks, bouts of terror, and other PTSD-like symptoms
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Self-isolation

The list could go on, and it’s important to note that each and every one of these symptoms is a significant psychological burden. 

Common Causes

Personal injury cases come in myriad forms, but there are some causes that commonly apply, including:

  • Traffic accidents, such as a car, truck, motorcycle, bike, and pedestrian accidents
  • Accidents at work
  • Slip and fall accidents caused by negligent property owners
  • Accidents caused by faulty consumer products

Regardless of the kind of accident that leaves you injured, it’s in your best interest to work closely with an experienced Chicago personal injury attorney. 

The Time to Consult with an Experienced Chicago Personal Injury Attorney Is Now

You’ve been injured by the negligence of another, and the dedicated Chicago personal injury attorneys at Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd., have the experience, focus, and resources to help. Your case is important, so please do not hesitate to contact us for more information today.

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