
Chicago Construction Accident Attorneys

It’s established that construction work is one of the most dangerous occupations out there. This is why construction companies are held to more stringent safety rules and regulations. If you’ve been injured on the construction site, it is in your best interest to reach out to an experienced Chicago construction accident attorney today. 

The Dangers inherent to Construction Work

Construction work is risky for a myriad of reasons that include all of the following:

  • The machines used on construction sites are massive and extremely powerful, and any accidents they are involved in reflect this fact.
  • Construction work often takes place from heights, including from scaffolding, ladders, and heavy-duty equipment, which makes any ensuing accidents more dangerous still.
  • Construction work involves a large number of working parts that operate in tandem, and when any one supervisor, foreman, or worker fails to closely adhere to all safety requirements, it endangers everyone involved.
  • Construction work often includes working with electricity, which can cause serious injuries when all safety protocols aren’t carefully observed.
  • The materials, debris, and tools inherent to construction work are dangerous when they accidentally fall or are dropped from a working height.

Accidents Common to Construction Work

While every accident on a construction site is unique with its own set of circumstances, but there are several types of extremely serious accidents that are most common, including:

  • Slip and Fall Accidents – Slip and fall accidents are common, and when they happen from an elevated platform, which is common to construction work, they become that much more serious.
  • Caught in Between Accidents – The heavy equipment and massive piles of construction materials that populate construction sites pose the highly specific danger of employees being caught in between two such unyielding entities. These accidents leave the construction worker who is caught in between helpless, and they are often fatal.
  • Electrocutions – Construction work is powered by electricity, but because construction work is also constantly progressing forward, the risk of accidents involving electricity increases. Such accidents can cause life-threatening injuries. 
  • Collapsing Structures – Construction work typically involves erecting structures as the work progresses. When these structures aren’t constructed securely enough to safely allow workers to continue their work on them, collapses can ensue. 
  • Falling Objects – Much of construction work – as discussed – happens from heights, and when the equipment, tools, construction material, and debris that accumulates during the course of that work isn’t held securely in place, it can fall from the work platform – causing injuries in the process.

You Need an Experienced Chicago Construction Accident Attorney on Your Side

Construction work is inherently risky, and workers’ compensation claims are inherently complicated – but the dedicated Chicago construction accident attorneys at Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd., are committed to skillfully building your strongest case and aggressively advocating for your rights and your rightful compensation throughout the process. We’re here for you, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information today.

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