
Chicago Auto Accident Attorneys

Chicago is great for many things that include great food, great sporting events, a vibrant nightlife, and rich art offerings, but what we could use less of are heavy traffic and all the ensuing car accidents. If another driver’s negligence causes you to be injured, seeking the compensation to which you are entitled is likely critical to your recovery, and an experienced Chicago auto accident attorney can help you with that. 

Your Auto Accident Claim

Auto accident claims are based on negligence, and the vast majority of car accidents on our roads are caused by negligence on the part of motorists. If another driver’s negligence causes the accident that leaves you injured, you can bring an auto accident claim in pursuit of compensation for the damages you’ve suffered. While such negligence can take many forms, most can be grouped into the following classifications:

  • Speeding excessively
  • Failing to follow the rules of the road, such as those announced by traffic lights, signs, and signals
  • Drowsy driving
  • Drunk driving
  • Aggressive driving
  • Distracted driving

Your Damages

In order to receive compensation in a car accident claim, you will need to prove that the other driver’s negligence was the direct cause of your injuries and that you suffered actual damages as a result. Such damages can include:

  • Medical Costs – The medical expenses associated with even a minor car accident can be immense, and if the accident is serious, these costs can be ongoing and can relate to secondary health concerns that arise. 
  • Lost Earnings – While you attend to the healing process and to recovering from your physical injuries, you’ll likely be off the job for a considerable stretch, which typically means a decrease in earnings. This damage can become even more serious if your ability to perform your job and to continue developing your career is affected. If your earning potential decreases, it can amount to a lifetime of financial loss.
  • Pain and Suffering – While the pain and suffering you endure in relation to the other driver’s negligence is more difficult to measure, it is, nonetheless, very real and should never be discounted. This psychic pain can be one of the most challenging obstacles to move beyond. 

Your Injuries

The impact of a car accident can lead to any number of serious injuries, but some of the most common include:

  • Broken bones, which are painful, are slow to heal, and can lead to serious complications
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which are every bit as serious as they are unpredictable
  • Spinal cord injuries, which are closely associated with chronic pain and a marked decrease in range of motion
  • Cuts and burns, which are highly susceptible to serious infections

Reach out to an Experienced Chicago Auto Accident Lawyer Today

The Chicago auto accident lawyers at Saks, Robinson & Rittenberg, Ltd., dedicate their practice to helping car accident victims like you obtain the compensation to which they are entitled and that they need to recover fully.  For more information about what we can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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