
Best Brain Injury Attorney Chicago

In cases of traumatic brain injury, victims often lose consciousness. Also, they may require assisted living and medical care for the rest of their lives. The unfortunate truth is that not all brain damage is immediately apparent. If the victim has a closed-head injury (one that does not penetrate to the brain), a doctor may overlook any signs of trouble.

In another case, a victim may be subjected to a harmful substance over time, which will cause symptoms of brain damage that take weeks or longer to manifest.

Some symptoms that are cause for an immediate evaluation are:

  • Inability to maintain balance
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Impaired speech
  • Reduced hand/eye coordination
  • Failure to convey thoughts
  • Chronic neck or head pain
  • Unexpected fluctuations in mood
  • Partial paralysis

Steps to Take After a Head Injury

Immediately following a head injury, visit a neurologist or other experienced medical professional as soon as possible. In doing so, you may be able to lessen the chance of permanent brain damage. Acting swiftly will also give you the opportunity to accelerate your treatment and rehabilitation.

If you were injured due to the negligence of someone else, contact a brain injury attorney immediately. Their guidance will help you maximize any compensation to which you are entitled allowing you to pay for any physical, emotional, and financial challenges you may encounter. Neuropsychological testing and other objective diagnostics can help us establish the severity of
your injury, leading to significant compensation.

Who Could be Liable for Causing a Brain Injury in Illinois?

A brain injury could be sustained because of a multitude of incidents. An attorney specializing in brain injuries can help you identify the responsible parties, which will vary greatly depending on the circumstances.

Below are some examples parties that could be found liable for causing a brain injury:

  • A construction company that did not provide proper training or protective gear
  • An anesthesiologist who administered the incorrect dosage
  • A negligent motorist not adhering to traffic laws
  • An annoyed nanny or daycare worker who shook a baby or child
  • The manufacturer of a defective pharmaceutical product
  • A municipality in charge of overseeing a public pool where a lifeguard did not rescue a person in time
  • A landlord who failed to remove paint chips or maintain the stairwell in his/her building
  • School administrators who neglected to respond to reports of a class bully who later slammed a classmate on the floor

The judicial system in Chicago is crowded with complicated medical and legal issues. The process is difficult to navigate on your own. If you or someone in your family has sustained a brain injury you feel was caused by another party, selecting an experienced brain injury attorney will put you on the right path toward healing and recuperating any monetary award for which you are eligible.

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